Here´s my yesterday´s project: a vine trellis for my pipevine. The vine was cut down when we had the exterior wall renovation last autumn, but is now starting to grow again. It took me the whole day to make the trellis: first I had to buy the supplies, then put it together and paint it... first one side, when it was dry, the other side - and then the same again. Now it´s waiting for my DH to come home so that we can put it on its place.
The painted trellis:
Where it´s going to be:
And here´s Olivia last sunday :) (pic taken with my poor phone cam) :
Happy WOYWW to everyone! More workdesks on Julia´s Stamping Ground!
I am sure all the fiddly work will be worth it in the end. Lovely pic of your granddaughter.
VastaaPoistaSandra @43
Your new dolls are fantastic and I loved the ones that arrived at Donna's whilst I was there.
VastaaPoistaOlivia is growing so lovely and I'm sure gives you so much joy. I'm looking forward to my family visiting from Germany... arriving tomorrow!
Love JoZarty x
Gorgeous dolls! (and gorgeous granddaughter too!) Trish #68
VastaaPoistaI LOVE MY DOLLS - will be blogging them on Friday - do you have a link to a sales site? happy to promote them for you from my blog/website on a none woywwer day...
VastaaPoistayour grandee is gorgeous
dxxx 66
Love the dolls! And well done for getting that trellis made, I've been very lazy about gardening lately :(
VastaaPoistaHelen S #74
your dolls are amazing,your granddaughter is cute,hope you get the trellis up alright :)
VastaaPoistahave a fabby crafty week
kay #52
I adore trellis' with viney things growing on them. I have a few that I just love. Dani 31
VastaaPoistaThe dolls look interesting. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x
VastaaPoistaGorgeous dolls...your Grandaughter is beautiful... good luck in the garden... Hugs May x x x#8
VastaaPoistaThe dolls are fantastic, but that little granddaughter, she's the best dolly girl of all!
VastaaPoista:)trisha, #36 this week (link)
I'm not sure which are cuter, your lovely artistic dolls or that grandbaby! Your trellis will help a lot in corralling that pesky vine. Happy WOYWW from # 1.
VastaaPoistaOh isn't painting trellis a pain just as you celebrate finishing you realise you have to do the other side ! Hope the vine grows to do it proud !! Ali #60
VastaaPoistaMy goodness, it only seems the other day that she was born and now look at her!! What a gorgeous girly!!!
VastaaPoistaYour vacation sounds wonderful...I'd like to go to a lakeside festival but everything's been cancelled here cos it's been too wet :(
Your dolls are fab, bet you'r enjoying making those!!
HUgs, LLJ #57 xx
Little Olivia is gorgeous! I love your beautiful dolls too. Really creative and unusual.
VastaaPoistaHappy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #4