Olen tekstiilitaiteilija/käsityöläinen ja Outo Lumo osuuskunnan jäsen.Tässä blogissa pääsevät esille myös työt ja kokeilut, jotka olen tehnyt vain omaksi ilokseni.
I´m a Finnish textile artist/artisan and a member of Outo Lumo co-operative.In this blog I´ll show also works made only for my own delight.
I love the items you have put on her wig!!
VastaaPoistaSo thats what shes hiding in that BIG hair, too funny!
VastaaPoistait's fantastic!!
VastaaPoistaA stunning arch beautifully created and designed!
VastaaPoistaIt's all about her hair, and it's fantastic! Great piece!
VastaaPoistaHow charming! Her hat is totally inspired!
VastaaPoistaHer hair made me LOL. Wonderful. Lynne M
VastaaPoistaYour Marie Arch is so very soft and romantic. Beautiful!