lauantai 30. lokakuuta 2010


Tämä noita on tehty Koukussa Kortteihin ´Omituisten Otusten Kerhon´ Halloween haasteeseen.

This witch is made for Koukussa Kortteihin site´s Halloween challenge.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Fantastic Tuire! Love those bats!!

  2. I love the richness of your art. Well done :)

  3. Terrific, I love it. Annette x

  4. I had planned to get here earlier, but I just got home before dark (which is early morning in your part of the world). I wanted you to know that I have chosen you as my blog pick of the day for today (Nov 3). I really LOVE your blog, your projects, and the fun you seem to have while making things. You are a real inspiration to me.
