torstai 22. huhtikuuta 2010


Tämä on joku "kangaspaperinukke". Ohje oli ´Cloth Paper Scissors´ lehdessä. Se näkyy tuossa taustalla, mutta kuten voitte huomata, ei tästä ihan samanlaista tullut =)
(Kuva on otettu skannerilla.)

This is kind of "clothpaperdoll". The instructions was in ´Cloth Paper Scissors´ magazin. You can see it in the background, but as you can notice, this is not exactly the same =)
(The picture is taken with scanner.)

8 kommenttia:

  1. She is wonderful!! Great job. I'm going to dig out my old issues of CPS and look for that article!!

  2. Janet, it´s november/december 2009, issue 27

  3. This is amazing - what a wonderful doll. If you like you might check out Somerset's new publication "Prims". It is filled with primitive folk dolls and beautiful handmade ones like yours. This is truly unique and lovely!

  4. Thanks Lori! I´ll see if I can find it here!

  5. Ihana nukke!!! Alkaa heti omia sormia syyhyttää nukenteko ;)

  6. Love your doll and your blog too. You have some really cool stuff. Thanks for visiting mine. I would like to get into making some fabric stuff more but I already have so much stuff! LOL

    Cheers Patti

  7. Wooohooo I saw these in cloth, paper, scissors and I so wanted to make them, knowing I never would, but hey you did make them and they are sooo wonderful. Standing Ovation from me.
