maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011


Aluksi muutama luminen kuva viime viikolta - löydätkö polkupyörän?

First some snow pics from last week - do you find a bicycle?

Ja pohjakokeiluja lasten pelikortteihin. Tehty Distress embossing powdereilla ja Distress inkeillä... ja kädet näyttää melkein samalta!
Klikkaa isommaksi!

And background experiments on childrens playing cards. Made with Distress embossing powders and Distress inks... and my hands look almost the same!
Click to enlarge!

!!!You have asked what will I do with the paper I found last week. It has been here all the time!!!

2 kommenttia:

  1. The temperature has dropped here and so I'm hoping that we don't get more snow. My daughter in Germany had more snow over the weekend and now I see how bad it is for you! Oh dear! I can hope.
    Your cards are so effective and such a lovely colour range too.
    thanks for sharing.
    JoZarty x
